A sweet connection: EF’s long relationship with s’mores
Moments of cultural understanding can happen when you least expect it, whether it’s through a conversation with a new friend, at a dinner table full of familiar faces, or even around a campfire under a star-spattered sky.
At EF Education First, we help people get outside their comfort zones through immersive cultural experiences. Every year we send students and travelers all around the world to help them learn something new, and food is a major part of that. When spending time in the U.S., there’s one treat in particular that should be on everyone’s ‘must-try’ list.
Chocolate, a perfectly toasted marshmallow, and a graham cracker – s’mores have long been an American classic and a staple around a crackling campfire. Originally called the ‘Graham Cracker Sandwich,’ s’mores were quickly renamed because, as anyone who’s eaten one knows, you have to indulge in “some more.” As countless EF students and travelers have learned over the years, it’s impossible not to come back for seconds.
Roger, an EF High School Exchange Year student, sits around a campfire with his host brothers, making sure his marshmallow is toasted to perfection.
Firewood, often chopped by hand or sold in a bundle, is a campfire’s foundation and brings light and warmth to this social gathering.
The best fire for making s’mores is a low-burning flame with glowing embers that lets you get close enough to roast your marshmallow perfectly.
The anatomy of a s’more consists of graham crackers, marshmallows and milk chocolate, but there are many variations on this classic recipe.
Everyone has their marshmallow roasting preferences, whether it’s lightly toasted or smoky and gooey.
EF friends gather around a campfire to share stories and try new treats.
Sometimes EF New York students get creative with where they’re getting their fire, but the outcome is still the same.